Press Release January 2024

Hello all,

First, my sincere gratitude for you reading this - if you are reading this, it means you were one of the original supporters, partners, advisors, collaborators, or inspirations to The Bonnier Building and my dreams inside. 

It’s been a wild two months already from finally acquiring the building in September. Some hiccups with the building put us back a few weeks in construction already, but that’s also given us some more time to thoroughly research and design all the spaces inside and out. The entire building will tell a story, and every small detail has a purpose to that story. From amazing custom art commissions to small design elements, The State House restaurant will become a cultural hub for Ohioans. 

The search for The State House’s chef and general manager is on! I have retained OneDigital for their recruitment power, as they have been known to relocate amazing chef’s to more unknown or newer spaces, giving us a leg up on our competition by bringing someone in with more experience than perhaps we would be able to find on our own. I am looking forward to the hiring process to start around January so we have our candidates decided and ready to start by April for at least a two month lead time to open. 

The Pod incubator space has been reworked on paper and will be open for pre-reservation interest soon. We are looking forward to creating a new working space and culture for young professionals to grow and collaborate together, and are moving towards making the benefits and other perks of The Pod are competitive with other collaborative work locations, such as business consulting services, client interaction streamlining, and family services for working parents. 

Of course we will keep everyone up to date on the construction as well. Construction One and my architect Dino have been working to get the building prepped for demolition - it’s been sanitized and the elevator has been evaluated for repair to make us not only ADA compliant but also to make our location as accessible as possible. 

Yasmine Robles has done a phenomenal job coming up with logos, branding, and helping us plan our business on paper. All of the visuals and media she has shown us has blown us away so far, and we can’t wait to start meeting new customers on social media and through our websites. 

Again, I cannot reiterate enough how thankful I am for everyone who has helped me get this far. I’m only as good as the people around me, and you all are some pretty good people.  

Looking forward to giving everyone the next update!

Yasmine Robles

With over 12 years of design experience, my passion lies in helping you attract dream clients. How? I take what makes you fab, mix it with strategy, and add a healthy spoonful of sarcasm. My go-to when not plotting my world domination? Tacos, tequila, and Latin dancing.

Featured in: Columbus Underground